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Delivery of Deep Transformer NLP Models Using MLflow and AWS Sagemaker for Enterprise AI Scenarios
Continuous Delivery of Deep Transformer-Based NLP Models Using MLflow and SageMaker for AI Scenarios
End To End Machine Learning Project Implementation Using AWS Sagemaker
Moving to MLOps with AWS Sagemaker
Ask Me Anything about ML/MLflow
Scale-up your models' development with MLflow
Continuous Pretraining and Delivery of NLP Models to Optimize Sales Engagement | NLP Summit 2020
Managing the Machine Learning Lifecycle - Best Practices for MLOps with MLFlow, with Zoltan C. Toth
NLP with Transformers and the Hugging Face Ecosystem with Lewis Tunstall and Leandro von Werra
Learn to use AWS Sagemaker
What is MLOps?
Trusted AI - when data cannot be trusted Sandhya Gopalan, AI & MLOps Practice Head, EY